A Writer’s Pub – Write Club

This week is a busy one for the diary – full of spaces to write and perform.  As I type, poets in the city are gearing up for the this evening’s Write Club – an event which pits teams of writers/performers against each other, as they compete for the ultimate prize – free beer.

It’s good to see people with different angles and writing styles all sharing in a local space. I’m taking on the role of team captain for the first time and have an awesome squad of poets (even if I’m biased), including some new faces.

The evening, which is held at The Stoneworks, beginning at 8pm, is hosted by Charley Genever – Peterborough Poet Laureate 2016 and sees Chris Martin and Keely Mills as the two other team captains.  The theme (chosen by an audience member at the previous Write Club) is ‘Thoughtlessness’.